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Many databases have systems of units, such as currency and weight. You can define those units using unit set objects. Once you have defined the appropriate unit set objects, you can create instances of the units such as a pile of coins or use the unit set as the basis for properties in an object.
A unit set consists of any number of units related to each other with a value property. Each unit consists of the unit's name, plural name, abbreviation, and value. The plural name property is optional; if you leave it empty, the plural will be assumed to be the name plus an 's'.
Typically, you will want one of the units in the set to have a value of 1, denoting the base unit. If no unit has a value of 1, the default unit is the one whose value is logarithmically closest to 1. For example, if a unit set consists of two units, one with a value of 0.1 and the other with a value of 2, the unit with a value of 2 becomes the default unit. The base unit is displayed in bold face.
Often, especially with currency unit sets, you will want to create objects that are physical representations of a unit in a set. To do this,
The object is now a unit object. Close the Properties window.
To change the value of the unit object,
You may want to combine a series of unit objects into the least amount of units possible. For example, you may have a set of currency objects and want to convert them all to the least possible number of coins. To combine unit objects:
The unit objects are deleted and a new set of unit objects are created which represent the least number of objects to represent the same total value.
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